There is something tenderly-charming, something so naturally folksy-naive and warm in the voices of those who could well be called the coryphaeus of Ukrainian humoristic folk song. It seems that the vital spirit of this amazing duet is exactly the one of the Ukrainian humour and song themselves. lyudmyla Hrymalska and Oleh Lednyov, who are of course better known as the two colours duet, have proven rather "colour-fully", that despite everything that happened to us throughout the past four centuries we will still be remaining quite a tolerant and humoristic nation.
1 Oh, a white stone on the hill  2 From Kyiv to Lubny  3 Doublecrossed & twotimed  4 Oh, girl, woodlands rustling 5 Match me, Hrytsiu 6 What makes you, young lady 7 Oh, who would that fellow be? 8 Kozak is leaving 9 Yarmarok Sorochynskyi 10 Once a young girl sold her heart 11 Oh, me, so much young, once went to the market 12 Imagine me Poltava mayor 13 Well, i dunno what to do 14 I shall do this for my sweetheart 15 Oh, there, at the fair, at the market
Total Time : 50:35
2002 Taras Bulba |